2010年8月25日 星期三

[翻譯] 球根毛氈苔 直立型及攀援型


Q: The tuberous erect & scrambling Drosera

A: This last group of tuberous species, classified in section Ergaleium, comprise plants which have very elongated and wiry stems. The leaves along the stem are produced singly or in whorls of three.

球根毛氈苔,分類至 Ergaleium(扁球毛氈苔)這節,跟前面兩節相比,植株具有細如鐵絲般延長的莖。在莖節上通常只長一片葉子或是三葉輪生。

The "erect" species have a stiff stem that can support the plant's weight, although it might topple in wind. Even these erect species often lean against nearby grasses, twigs, and shrubs. Leaves along the stem are peltate, while those in the basal rosette (if present) are paddle-shaped, and look like those of more familiar species such as D. rotundifolia


The "scrambling" species (sometimes called "climbing") have extremely long stems that cannot possibly support their weight. They are vinelike in habit. The leaves along the stem are sometimes very dimorphic. Two of the leaves in each whorl are on short petioles, while the third leaf is on a very long petiole. The long-petioled leaves grab onto vegetation and cement themselves in place. This keeps the plant adhered to the supporting structures. (Some erect species share this adaptation.)
