2010年8月25日 星期三

[翻譯] 球根毛氈苔 直立型及攀援型


Q: The tuberous erect & scrambling Drosera

A: This last group of tuberous species, classified in section Ergaleium, comprise plants which have very elongated and wiry stems. The leaves along the stem are produced singly or in whorls of three.

球根毛氈苔,分類至 Ergaleium(扁球毛氈苔)這節,跟前面兩節相比,植株具有細如鐵絲般延長的莖。在莖節上通常只長一片葉子或是三葉輪生。

The "erect" species have a stiff stem that can support the plant's weight, although it might topple in wind. Even these erect species often lean against nearby grasses, twigs, and shrubs. Leaves along the stem are peltate, while those in the basal rosette (if present) are paddle-shaped, and look like those of more familiar species such as D. rotundifolia


The "scrambling" species (sometimes called "climbing") have extremely long stems that cannot possibly support their weight. They are vinelike in habit. The leaves along the stem are sometimes very dimorphic. Two of the leaves in each whorl are on short petioles, while the third leaf is on a very long petiole. The long-petioled leaves grab onto vegetation and cement themselves in place. This keeps the plant adhered to the supporting structures. (Some erect species share this adaptation.)

就以藤蔓方式生長 。在莖上的葉子似乎有兩種明顯的型態。其中輪生的兩片葉子的柄較短,第三片葉子具有很長的葉柄。長葉柄的葉子主要示為了抓住附近的植被併黏著。這種型為可使植物倚靠支撐物(有些直立型球毛也有此適應行為)。

The distinction between the erect species and the scrambling species is merely one describing the plant's habit, and does not neatly divide the section. You will note, for example, that in the species D. menziesii, there are both erect and scrambling subspecies. 

區別直立型及攀援型的種類不過只是描述植物的生長特性而已,也不是這節較好的種類劃分。你可能已注意到,例如曼西毛氈苔(D. menziesii)具有直立及攀援型的亞種。

Species in this section span a great range in size. Tiny D. microphylla lives up to its name ( "micro-leaves"), while D. gigantea is an enormous, 1-meter plant with a treelike outline. Scrambling species are even larger, although more ropelike in structure.

此節的種類植株大小差異很大。嬌小的D. microphylla無愧於學名有微小葉子的意思,而D. gigantea植株非常龐大,一公尺的植株有小樹般的影子。攀援型的種類甚至更大,有著粗繩般的構造。

Drosera erythrogyne
This is an excellent representative of the scrambling species. It is a very long-stemmed plant that I have seen climbing high into the branches of trees. This giant's stem can be 3 meters long!
為攀援型種類最具有代表性的,植株具有最長的莖,我見過甚至可以爬到樹枝上。巨大的莖可到三公尺長 。

Drosera gigantea
Truly a plant to reset your scale when you think about big sundews. This plant is shaped like a small tree, with a thick stem and long, many-branched arms. The white flowers are scattered about the top of the plant. It is amazing to see. The tubers of this plant can be a meter below ground, but manage to reach the surface every year by using the same vertical access tunnel. 

Drosera heterophylla
This species really intrigues me because it produces flowers with several petals. This is unique in the entire genus---all other Drosera normally produce flowers with only four or five petals (the occasional mutant flower aside).

該物種讓我感到興趣,因為他開花時會有非常多的花瓣。在毛氈苔這屬中非常獨特,因為大部分毛氈苔只會開出4-5個花瓣 (偶爾的突變花除外)。

Drosera huegelii
This is one of my favorite species in the group because of its bizarrely bell-shaped leaves. Each little erect plant may only have a few to a dozen leaves. It seems to put a lot of faith in the prey-catching ability of each of those leaves! 


Drosera intricata
This winding plant is named after its convoluted, twining stem.


Drosera macrantha
A glandular, climbing species. I have seen specimens climbing other plants, dead trees, twigs, and even rock walls.


Drosera marchantii
This graceful, erect sundew looks very much like some of the fan-leaved species. Only upon close inspection can you be sure that the leaves are peltate and not fan-leaved.

這優美的直立型球毛漲的很像某些扇葉形種類的球毛。 只要你仔細貼近觀察,你可以確定這些該種的葉片是盾形而非扇形。

Drosera menziesii
A very common plant in southwestern Australia, in fact on my one trip to that part of the country I learned to treat it as a plant to walk past in search of rarer things. (Sounds terribly spoiled, doesn't it?) Overall reddish, even the erect subspecies are at most a weakly erect plant. The subspecies basifolia has densely clustered leaves surrounding the base of the stem.


Drosera microphylla

A small plant with tiny flowers where the petals are dwarfed by the sepals. The plants from the Perth area have red petals, those from Albany have orange petals, and on some of the plants east of Esperance they are white.


Drosera peltata
The two most commonly grown tuberous Drosera are the two subspecies of this plant. Much research has been done to determine if these two plants should be considered sibling subspecies, or separate species D. peltata and D. auriculata). There is no sure answer, alas, so for now I'll keep them as subspecies for no particular reason. They can best be distinguished by the the following characters:
D. p. subsp. peltata: pubescent sepals, ovate seed.
D. p. subsp. auriculata: glabrous sepals, linear seed.

該種平常的毛氈苔存在兩種亞種,在許多研究上做了許多決定這兩種是否劃分為亞種或是獨立種(D. peltataD. auriculata)。因為沒有很明確的答案,因此我目前以亞種處理,沒特別的理由。最好區別他們的的有以下此特點。

D. p. subsp. peltata((光萼)毛膏菜): 花的萼片有毛 ,卵形種子
D. p. subsp. auriculata(耳葉毛氈苔):花具有平滑的萼片,線型種子

Drosera stricticaulis
A species with green-glandular stems and cup-shaped leaves. Overall, a very yellow-green plant and fairly recognizable.


Drosera sulphurea
A plant that has been considered synonymous with Drosera neesii, but now is placed as a separate species. One of the yellow-flowerd species.

該種植物過去常被認成Drosera neesii,不過現在已分類成獨立種。為開黃花的球毛種類之ㄧ。

Drosera subtilis, while classified in the genus section Ergaleium (i.e. one of the a Drosera
sections) is almost certainly misclassified, so I deal with it elsewhere. Furthermore, I suspect that "Drosera insolita" is a publication error of some sort---its description sounds very much like Drosera peltata, but the plant was described as occurring in Africa. 

Drosera subtilis,目前被分類至Ergaleium這節幾乎是個錯誤,因此我在別的地方論述此外我推測Drosera insolita似乎是出版上的錯誤,因為它的描述似乎很像Drosera peltata,但這植物似乎在非洲有被記載

Erect species                  
Scrambling specie

D. heterophylla 異葉毛氈苔

D. microphylla小葉毛氈苔

D. macrantha 5大花毛氈苔

D. pallida淺色毛氈苔
D. sulphurea 硫磺毛氈苔

1All in Drosera section Ergaleium
2Perhaps only a form of D. peltata? (Schlauer 2002)
3Occurs in many parts of mainland Asia, Southeast Asia, and throughout Australia.
4Occurs in southeastern Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand. Possibly a separate species.
5Various subspecies have been lumped or moved to D. stricticaulis subsp. (Schlauer 1996, 2002)
1.      上表所有的物種皆屬於Ergaleium扁球毛氈苔節
2.      也可能被視為D. peltata的一種型態? (Schlauer 2002)
3.      主樣分布在亞洲大陸、東南亞及澳洲
4.      主要分布在澳洲及澳洲南方小島Tasmania、紐西蘭。有可能是獨立種。
5.      許多亞種被混為一談或是移到D. stricticaulis的亞種。

