Q: African and Madagascan Drosera species
非洲是個巨大的陸地,已知65種食蟲植物分布於此。大部分在此食蟲植物大多是毛氈苔。而且大多分布在南非,但是也有少數種類分布在非洲熱帶區域。而該洲最大的島嶼,馬達加斯加島,目前正受到大量伐林的危機,受害者也包含分布在這D. humbertiit 。
South African species
South Africa is well known as a land of spectacular botanical diversity. This is partly because it is one of the few places on the Earth blessed with what is called a Mediterranean climate, that is a hot dry summer and a mildly cool, wet winter. Fire is also a vigorous factor that clears vegetation by frequent burns. These factors contribute to a great botanical biodiversity in the South African landscape (actually, there are many other reasons for the biodiversity, including soils etc., but I would be getting off-track if I started in that direction.)