2011年5月21日 星期六


Q: African and Madagascan Drosera species

Africa is an enormous continent, and contains about 65 carnivorous plant species. Many of these are sundews. Most are occur in southern Africa, but there are a few species that are endemic to tropical Africa. The large island of Madagascar, as troubled as it is by extreme deforestation pressures, adds D. humbertiito the inventory of sundews.

非洲是個巨大的陸地,已知65種食蟲植物分布於此。大部分在此食蟲植物大多是毛氈苔。而且大多分布在南非,但是也有少數種類分布在非洲熱帶區域。而該洲最大的島嶼,馬達加斯加島,目前正受到大量伐林的危機,受害者也包含分布在這D. humbertiit

South African species
South Africa is well known as a land of spectacular botanical diversity. This is partly because it is one of the few places on the Earth blessed with what is called a Mediterranean climate, that is a hot dry summer and a mildly cool, wet winter. Fire is also a vigorous factor that clears vegetation by frequent burns. These factors contribute to a great botanical biodiversity in the South African landscape (actually, there are many other reasons for the biodiversity, including soils etc., but I would be getting off-track if I started in that direction.)

