Q: African and Madagascan Drosera species
非洲是個巨大的陸地,已知65種食蟲植物分布於此。大部分在此食蟲植物大多是毛氈苔。而且大多分布在南非,但是也有少數種類分布在非洲熱帶區域。而該洲最大的島嶼,馬達加斯加島,目前正受到大量伐林的危機,受害者也包含分布在這D. humbertiit 。
South African species
South Africa is well known as a land of spectacular botanical diversity. This is partly because it is one of the few places on the Earth blessed with what is called a Mediterranean climate, that is a hot dry summer and a mildly cool, wet winter. Fire is also a vigorous factor that clears vegetation by frequent burns. These factors contribute to a great botanical biodiversity in the South African landscape (actually, there are many other reasons for the biodiversity, including soils etc., but I would be getting off-track if I started in that direction.)
Most of the Drosera of South Africa fall into three main groups. The first group consists of the flat rosetted species such as D. aliciae. These have leaves that are spathulate (spoon shaped) or perhaps wedge-shaped. It is often very difficult to distinguish one species from the next, and you may need to rely upon technical details I do not wish to delve into. Other species are stem-forming such as D. capensis or D. madagascariensis. The third main group includes the tuber-rooted species such as D. cistiflora. At some point I will describe these all in more detail.
第一類為扁平蓮座狀的種類如D. aliciae。這類群族葉子為湯匙狀或是楔形。因此通常很難區分物種間的差別,因此你可能需依靠一些技術細節,但是我希望不想繼續深入下去。第二類群族有明顯的莖如D. capensis 、 D. madagascariensis。第三類則是產生像塊莖的根如D. cistiflora。有些重點我會在繼續補充細節。
The plant Drosera ×corinthiaca is a naturally occurring hybrid of Drosera aliciae×glabripes.
該地也出現天然雜交種Drosera ×corinthiaca(Drosera aliciae×glabripes)。
Drosera indica is sprawling both in habit, and in range, and occurs in much of Africa . The marvelous D. regia is a South African endemic, and has enormous, sword-shaped leaves. It contends for being the largest sundew, depending upon what you are measuring.
Drosera indica 在非洲不論是產地數及分布範圍都算是非常龐大。而最奇特的是D. regia這種南非特有的毛氈苔具有劍形狀班的葉子。目前該種被爭辯是否為最大的毛氈苔,因為每個人取決的測量標準不同。
As you might expect, there is some controversy regarding these species for example, some feel that the species D. esterhuysenae, D. longiscapa, and D. zeyheri are merely synonyms of D. aliciae, D. madagascariensis , and D. cistiflora, respectively.
或許你會期望知道這些物種一些的爭議,例如有些人認為D. esterhuysenae、 D. longiscapa和D. zeyheri 都是 D. aliciae的同物異名,D. madagascariensis和D. cistiflora應當分開處理。
Tropical African species
Moving northwards, the continent has several more Drosera species that live in tropical areas. It appears that much of the African continent has been underbotanized with regards to its carnivorous flora, and it would surprise no one if a comprehensive study revealed more species. Political unrest and instability no doubt contributes to this lack of knowledge about Africa .
接著北移看上去,這塊陸地有許多毛氈苔生存在這熱帶區域中。 目前看來非洲的關食蟲植物植被研究非常不足,如果有全面性研究發現更多物種,似乎會感到不意外。政治紛亂不安定,無疑地造成對非洲認知的不足。
D. affinis: This species looks much like D. madagascariensis. It produces a basal rosette, which then forms an elongated stem up to 25 cm long. The plant "D. flexicaulis" is probably a synonym. Drosera affinis grows in middle Africa (Angola , Dem. Rep. of Congo ,) and eastern Africa (Malawi , Mozambique , Tanzania , Zambia , Zimbabwe ).
D. affinis:該種非常像 D. madagascariensis。植物的蓮座可延長成25cm以上的莖。D. flexicaulis目前被認為是同物異名。Drosera affinis生長在中非(Angola, Dem. Rep. of Congo )及東非(Malawi , Mozambique , Tanzania , Zambia , Zimbabwe )。
D. bequaertii: A plant that has a short stem only 3 cm long, and small leaves with petioles 5-8 mm long and leaf blades 4 mm wide and 8 mm long. In the original description, Taton described the plant as having yellow flowers, but this is probably a mistake derived from looking at faded herbarium specimens. The species "D. compacta " is probably the same as D. bequaertii. Drosera bequaertii grows in middle Africa (Angola , Dem. Rep. of Congo ).
D. bequaertii:該植物具有很短3cm的莖及5-8 mm的葉柄連接著4 mm X8 mm 捕蟲葉。目前最早的敘述,Taton先生描述他的花是黃色,但似乎只是因為標本褪色變黃所致的誤判。D. compacta 被認為是同物異名。 Drosera bequaertii 生長在中非(Angola, Dem. Rep. of
D. elongata: This scrambling species has an enormously long stem, up to 90 cm long. Leaves are scattered evenly along this stem. Despite the long stem, the leaves are small--the leaf blades are only 3 mm wide and 6 mm long, on petioles 1-1.5 cm long. It grows in middle Africa (Angola ).
D. elongata:屬於攀爬的種類,具有很長的莖,可達90cm以上。葉子則坐落在這長莖上。儘管莖非常長,但葉子反而非常小只有3 mm X 6 mm,葉柄為1-1.5 cm。產地為中非(Angola)。
D. katangensis: A long-stemmed species up to 15 cm tall, with petioles 7-20 mm long, and leaf blades 1.5-5 mm wide and 5-15 mm long. The flowers are white with pink veins. It has been collected in moist plains in middle Africa (Dem. Rep. of Congo ).
D. katangensis: 長莖的種類可達到15公分高,葉柄7-20 mm,葉子大小1.5-5 mm X5-15 mm。花有白色及粉紅色。標本來自中非的潮濕平原(Dem. Rep. of
D. pilosa: Unlike the other stem-forming species of tropical
D. pilosa:和那些長莖的種類型態不同,為小型蓮座且具有很多毛。葉柄3-15 mm長,葉子為橢圓至卵形大小約2-8 mm x4-13 mm。目前在西非(Guinea)、中非(Cameroon)及東非(Kenya, Tanzania)都有發現到該種。
If you encounter the name "D. congolana", that indicates something that is probably a synonym for D. madagascariensis. "Drosera insolita" was described as a tuberous species in tropicalAfrica , but I think this is an error. Alse, I included it in my species lists in my book. Dang.
If you encounter the name "D. congolana", that indicates something that is probably a synonym for D. madagascariensis. "Drosera insolita" was described as a tuberous species in tropical
假如你遇到D. congolana這學名,目前被指出D. madagascariensis的同物異名。Drosera insolita目前描述為熱帶非洲的球根種類,但我想這只是個錯誤。Alas, I included it in my species lists in my book. Dang.<?>
African & Madagascar species1
| |
D. acaulis2
D. admirabilis2,3 D. affinis4 D. afra2 D. alba2 D. aliciae2 愛利斯毛氈苔 D. bequaertii4 D. burkeana5,6 D. capensis2 好望角毛氈苔 D. cistiflora2 岩薔薇毛氈苔 D. collinsiae2 D. cuneifolia2 D. dielsiana5 D. elongata4 D. ericgreenii2 D. esterhuyseniae2 D. glabripes2 |
D. hilaris2
D. humbertii6,7 D. indica8 長葉毛膏菜 D. katangensis4 D. longiscapa2 D. madagascariensis5,6 馬達加斯加
D. natalensis5,6 納塔爾毛氈苔 D. nidiformis2 巢形毛氈苔 D. pauciflora2 少花毛氈苔 D. pilosa4 D. ramentacea2 D. regia2,9 帝王毛氈苔 D. rubrifolia2 D. slackii2 斯氏毛氈苔 D. trinervia2 D. venusta2,10 迷人毛氈苔 D. zeyheri2 |
1All in Drosera sect. Drosera unless otherwise noted.
2Endemic to 3Perhaps a form of D. cuneifolia. 4Tropical 5Native but not restricted to 6Found on 7Endemic to 8In 9Drosera sect. Arachnopus. 10Classified in Drosera sect. Regiae. 11Perhaps a form of D. natalensis. |
3.也許是D. cuneifolia的一種型態。
9. 為毛膏菜屬 Arachnopus節。
11.也許是D. natalensis的一種型態