2011年2月27日 星期日

[翻譯] 扇葉型球根毛氈苔

Q: The tuberous fan-leaved Drosera 扇葉型球根毛氈苔
A: Plants in section Stolonifera have, for the most part, erect stems and leaves that are somewhat fan-like. I editorialize freely when I note that these include some of my all-time favorite Drosera, especially the ab-fab D. platypoda!

匍伏毛氈苔(Stolonifera)這節植物,大部分都有直立莖及有點扇子形狀的葉子。當我注意到這類群族有包含我最喜的毛氈苔,特別是非常扇型的D. platypoda,就開始隨性的編寫文章

Some of these species are exceptionally easy to grow, in particular D. ramellosa and D. stolonifera. The former is quite kind in producing viable seed, even when selfed. Both these species are also very generous in producing extra tubers every year, so that a single plant will, in time, fill a pot with marvelous plants.

這類群族有些種類算是非常好種,特別是D. ramellosa and D. stolonifera。前者的D. ramellosa非常容易產生可正常萌芽的種子,甚至自交的也可產生種子。這兩種也算是

Why do I like these plants so much? There is something to the tiered structure to the leaves, especially in the ascending species like D. stolonifera and D. platypoda, that is really marvelous.

為什麼我會非常喜愛這群植物呢?因為這類毛氈苔的葉子排列成一層層,特別在那些會長高的種類如D. stolonifera and D. platypoda,非常驚奇。

Drosera porrecta
This species is more delicate, and has small leaves on long petioles. At first glance, it looks just like a normal erect tuberous sundew. But if you look closely, you notice the leaves are fan-shaped.


Drosera purpurascens
The clumpy species used to be considered a subspecies of Drosera stolonifera, but it is much more compact. (Indeed it was called subsp. compacta!) Plants I have seen in the wild can be very deep red.

這種會攀爬的物種常被分到Drosera stolonifera,但是比Drosera stolonifera矮小粗狀(英文稱之compact)。(事實上他被列如的亞種名叫called subsp. compacta!)我在野外看到的植株顏色可以非常的紅。

Drosera ramellosa
This pale green plant can occur in very dense populations, excluding nearly all other plants. In cultivation, this character exhibits itself by the plant's proliferative nature. All the photographs I have seen suggest it is uniform in appearance over its entire range. This is interesting, because its range is very large in Western Australia and seems to be broken into separate chunks.


Drosera stolonifera
A rank grower that gets a little floppy in cultivation (and in the wild). Because of this character I don't like it quite as much as the others in cultivation. However, when it emerges from dormancy, the bud tip is encased in a ball of mucus, which admittedly raises its cachet in my book.


The Tuberous Fan-leaved Drosera1
D. fimbriata
D. humilis2
D. monticola2
D. platypoda              
D. porrecta2   
D. prostrata2
D. purpurascens2,3
D. ramellosa              
D. rupicola2
D. stolonifera             
1All in Drosera section Stolonifera
2Until recently considered a subspecies of D. stolonifera.
3Until recently called D. stolonifera subsp. compacta.
1      1.全部種類被列在section Stolonifera 匍伏毛氈苔節
2      2.最近被認為成D. stolonifera的亞種
3      3.最近被稱為D. stolonifera subsp. compacta.


