2011年3月27日 星期日


來源: http://www.sarracenia.com/faq/faq5247.html

Q: Latin American Drosera
A: South America is a hotspot for Drosera biodiversity, and I am quite confident that there are many species there that have not yet been described. The table on this page lists all the species of South America (including its offshore islands), Central America, and a bit of the Caribbean. Some of these plants are morphologically variable within their geographic ranges, and have been divided into varieties, regrouped, and shuffled around. In matters of Brazilian Drosera, I follow the perspectives of Fernando Rivadavia.
有些物種植物具有隨著地理分布呈現高度型態多樣性,因此被區分許多變異,並且常常重新分類或合併及廢棄舊名。在巴西產的毛氈苔的爭議,我採用Fernando Rivadavia的觀點

For the most part, Drosera has not apparently invaded the broad areas in South America that are occupied by dense rainforests. This is presumably a limitation imposed by low light levels on the forest floor; there are no known epiphytic Drosera.



Some of the Latin American species are small and not particularly showy, but some are quite fabulous. Drosera graomogolensis in particular is frequently cited as one of the prettiest species in the genus. (Until recently, this species was treated as a variety of Drosera villosa.)

有些南美分布的種類植株嬌小也沒特別搶眼 ,但是也有極為奇妙精豔的種類。例如 Drosera graomogolensis常常被譽為毛氈苔中最美的種類之ㄧ。(最近該種被分到Drosera villosa的一種變異型態)

The plant Drosera ×fontinalis is a naturally occurring hybrid of Drosera grantsaui×tomentosa.

這類植物也有出現天然雜交種 Drosera ×fontinalis( D. grantsaui×tomentosa)

The majority of Latin American species are perennial species, although some are relatively short-lived. For the most part they are tropical in cultivation. However, some species---especially those from the Guiana Highlands---probably respond best to cooler conditions as befits their highland origins. Plants with thick roots can be easily propagated via root cuttings.

大部份南美毛都是多年生 ,雖然也有一些相對短命的種類。對於大部份種類在栽培上算是熱帶然而有些種類特別是分布在蓋亞那高原的,需要配合其天性給予涼爽的環境。這類植物經常有粗大的根可進行根插繁殖

Drosera communis: A rather nondescript rosetted sundew; I mention it here for two reasons. First, it includes "Drosera parvifolia St.Hil." Second, while past treatments of D. communis have split into two varieties, it turns out that "D. communis var. pauciflora Eichler" is in fact simply D. montana. So, D. communis has no infraspecific ranks.

Drosera communis:相對不起眼的蓮座毛氈苔;我認為有兩個理由。第一是它包含了 "Drosera parvifolia St.Hil."。第二則是過去分類下有兩種變異種,現在則是排除D. communis var. pauciflora Eichler,因為事實上發現它只是D. montana。因此D. communis沒有更低的分類

Drosera meristocaulis: This bizarre plant was refound in the wild by (of course) Fernando Rivadavia. This plant is an interesting little sundew that, oddly enough, seems more akin to one of the Australian pygmy species than any others. 

Drosera meristocaulis:這種長相奇怪的植物一直在野外 (OF COURSE這是自婊嗎= =)Fernando Rivadavia發現。這毛氈苔算室有點意思,很奇怪的是它跟其他種類相比長的非常像澳洲的迷你毛氈苔

Meanwhile, Drosera sessilifolia looks almost identical to Drosera burmannii of Australia and Asia. Very odd!

還有 Drosera sessilifolia(南美寬葉毛)長相和澳洲的Drosera burmannii(寬葉毛)幾乎一模一樣。非常怪異的現象!

Drosera montana: This plant has been subject to a number of revisions and changes. As I follow the perspective of Rivadavia, I have no subspecies for this plant, but put it in a complex of related species including D. tomentosa, D. schwackei, and D. tentaculata.

Drosera montana:該種的分類數目及分類一直被修訂及改變。我還是依照Rivadavia的觀點,我認為該植物並無亞種存在,但是我仍然將D. tomentosa, D. schwackei, and D. tentaculata相關種類放在這類複雜的集合體。
Latin American species1
D. intermedia5        長柄毛氈苔
D. kaieteurensis
D. meristocaulis6
D. montana            
D. peruensis
D. roraimae
D. sessilifolia7        
D. schwackei8
D. solaris
D. tentaculata
D. tomentosa8
D. uniflora
D. villosa                
D. viridis
D. yutajensis
1All in Drosera sect. Drosera unless otherwise noted.
2Perhaps a form of D. villosa.
3Also occurs in USA, Mexico, Central America, and Cuba.
4Lumped with D. colombiana and the Panamanian D. panamensis.
5Ranges through Europe, USA, Canada, and Cuba.
6In Drosera sect. Meristocaulis.
7In Drosera sect. Thelocalyx.
8Sometimes treated as a variety of D. montana.
2也許只是D. villosa的一種型態。
4集中在D. colombiana 巴拿馬產D. panamensis
8有時候被處理成D. montana的變異

