2011年10月1日 星期六

播種食蟲植物的種子 Sowing carnivorous plant seeds From BCP

from BestCarnivorousPlants(BCP) - Kamil Pasek
Yes, no problem with translation, but with following requirements:
1. Please clearly note this article is from 1999 so it is 11 years old and now we have much more information about many of species and techniques how to sow them properly.

2. Note me (Kamil Pasek, www.bestcarnivorousplants.net ) as an autor with this link to original article http://www.bestcarnivorousplants.com/sowing_seeds.htm

2.著名作者我的名子 (Kamil Pasek, www.bestcarnivorousplants.net ) 及文章原始連接http://www.bestcarnivorousplants.com/sowing_seeds.htm

3.Please note you translated this text with my writen permision.


4.Please send me link where the translation is thank.

Thats all.. ;-)

如果有建議及錯誤可幫小弟指正一下....不勝感激 2010/02/20


Sowing carnivorous plant seeds.
Kamil Pasek, 1999

2011年5月21日 星期六


Q: African and Madagascan Drosera species

Africa is an enormous continent, and contains about 65 carnivorous plant species. Many of these are sundews. Most are occur in southern Africa, but there are a few species that are endemic to tropical Africa. The large island of Madagascar, as troubled as it is by extreme deforestation pressures, adds D. humbertiito the inventory of sundews.

非洲是個巨大的陸地,已知65種食蟲植物分布於此。大部分在此食蟲植物大多是毛氈苔。而且大多分布在南非,但是也有少數種類分布在非洲熱帶區域。而該洲最大的島嶼,馬達加斯加島,目前正受到大量伐林的危機,受害者也包含分布在這D. humbertiit

South African species
South Africa is well known as a land of spectacular botanical diversity. This is partly because it is one of the few places on the Earth blessed with what is called a Mediterranean climate, that is a hot dry summer and a mildly cool, wet winter. Fire is also a vigorous factor that clears vegetation by frequent burns. These factors contribute to a great botanical biodiversity in the South African landscape (actually, there are many other reasons for the biodiversity, including soils etc., but I would be getting off-track if I started in that direction.)



2011年4月5日 星期二

[分類] Drosera 毛膏菜屬分類

Subgenus(亞屬) Arcturia
Drosera arcturi 亞瑟山毛氈苔
Drosera stenopetala

Subgenus Bryastrum 也就是迷你毛類這類

Section(節) Bryastrum
Drosera pygmaea 侏儒毛氈苔

Section Lamprolepis
Drosera allantostigma
Drosera androsacea
Drosera barbigera 鬍鬚毛氈苔
ssp.slvicolaDrosera callistos
f."Brookston form"
Drosera citrina

2011年3月27日 星期日


來源: http://www.sarracenia.com/faq/faq5247.html

Q: Latin American Drosera
A: South America is a hotspot for Drosera biodiversity, and I am quite confident that there are many species there that have not yet been described. The table on this page lists all the species of South America (including its offshore islands), Central America, and a bit of the Caribbean. Some of these plants are morphologically variable within their geographic ranges, and have been divided into varieties, regrouped, and shuffled around. In matters of Brazilian Drosera, I follow the perspectives of Fernando Rivadavia.
有些物種植物具有隨著地理分布呈現高度型態多樣性,因此被區分許多變異,並且常常重新分類或合併及廢棄舊名。在巴西產的毛氈苔的爭議,我採用Fernando Rivadavia的觀點

For the most part, Drosera has not apparently invaded the broad areas in South America that are occupied by dense rainforests. This is presumably a limitation imposed by low light levels on the forest floor; there are no known epiphytic Drosera.


2011年2月28日 星期一

[翻譯] 蓮座型球根毛氈苔

Q: The tuberous rosetted Drosera
A: Now for the tuberous Drosera, perhaps the........

tea, but even the rosetted species are great, as you might infer from the name "D. erythrorhiza subsp. magna!"

Drosera bulbosa
This species ia a somewhat small species, but has (in all the plants I have seen in the wild and cultivation) bright green leaves that are not quite matched by any of the other species. The gland heads are particularly large and striking.


It's funny, but many times tuberous rosetted sundews bear the indications of a lot of abuse. The leaves are torn up, and in particular the glandular hairs are usually laying down, exhausted, without mucus. I've not seen this to be the case with Drosera bulbosa subsp.bulbosa--they always look like sundews! Photographs of subspecies major plants often look glandless, though.


2011年2月27日 星期日

[翻譯] 扇葉型球根毛氈苔

Q: The tuberous fan-leaved Drosera 扇葉型球根毛氈苔
A: Plants in section Stolonifera have, for the most part, erect stems and leaves that are somewhat fan-like. I editorialize freely when I note that these include some of my all-time favorite Drosera, especially the ab-fab D. platypoda!

匍伏毛氈苔(Stolonifera)這節植物,大部分都有直立莖及有點扇子形狀的葉子。當我注意到這類群族有包含我最喜的毛氈苔,特別是非常扇型的D. platypoda,就開始隨性的編寫文章

Some of these species are exceptionally easy to grow, in particular D. ramellosa and D. stolonifera. The former is quite kind in producing viable seed, even when selfed. Both these species are also very generous in producing extra tubers every year, so that a single plant will, in time, fill a pot with marvelous plants.

這類群族有些種類算是非常好種,特別是D. ramellosa and D. stolonifera。前者的D. ramellosa非常容易產生可正常萌芽的種子,甚至自交的也可產生種子。這兩種也算是